





日  程  7月7日(日)10月6日(日)
時  間  13:00~14:30  
場  所  野外博物館
受  付  三笠市立博物館前(三笠市幾春別錦町1丁目212番地1)
料  金  高校生以上500円、小中学生300円 ※幼児無料 

申込やツアー参加にあたっての注意事項は こちら




日  程  6月2日(日)
時  間  13:00~13:40  
場  所  旧奔別炭鉱
受  付  旧奔別炭鉱(三笠市奔別町260番地)
料  金  高校生以上500円、小中学生300円 ※幼児無料



 On Guide Days (excluding August), a geo-guide from Canada will explain the Former Ponbetsu Coal Mine and the Open-air Museum in English. Not only English speakers, but Japanese people or English Language Learners are also welcome to participate.
 Would you like to experience 100 million years of time travel in English?


 The Open-air Museum is a walking path that is 1.2km one-way and located behind the Mikasa City Museum. It is the main course of the Mikasa Geopark, where you can enjoy sightseeing spots such as geological strata, coal mine heritage sites, and fossils while walking. Would you like to experience 100 million years of time travel, which is the theme of the Mikasa Geopark?

Date:October 6th (Sunday)
Time: 13:00 – 14:30
Place: Open-air Museum
Check-in: In front of the Mikasa City Museum (1-212-1 Ikushunbetsu Nishiki-cho, Mikasa City)
*You can participate on the day without reservation, but only if there is space, so please reserve in advance.
Fee: Adult (high schooler and older) 500 yen
Child (elementary to junior high school) 300 yen
Preschoolers and below Free


 This coal mine opened as the Nara Coal Mine in 1900 and operated until 1971. Today, the headframe and the coal tipple remain. Inside the grounds, which are normally off-limits to the public, you will be given a tour of the headframe, which was once known as “the Largest Pit Mine in the East,” and its surrounding facilities, with explanations that include information about the history of the area.

Date: June 2nd (Sunday)
Time: 13:00 – 13:40
Place: Former Ponbetsu Coal Mine
Check-in: Former Ponbetsu Coal Mine (260 Ponbetsu-cho, Mikasa City)
*You can participate on the day without reservation, but only if there is space, so please reserve in advance.
Fee: 300 yen
Preschoolers and below Free

*As the grounds are privately owned, entry is generally prohibited. Therefore, only those participating in Guide Day can enter.


1. Reservation by Phone
Mikasa Geopark Promotion Council Bureau (Commerce, Industry, and Tourism Division)
TEL 01267-2-3997
2. Online Reservation
・Click the URL below:
・Enter the required information (tour name, name, address, phone number, etc.) and submit.
・Wait for confirmation email.

Important Points
・Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time.
・Junior high school students and younger must be accompanied by a guardian.
・We will stop taking reservations as soon as the capacity is reached.
・The tour will be held in light rain, but will be canceled in case of stormy weather. In the event of cancellation, participants will be contacted.


Geo guide:Xan


事務局 三笠市役所商工観光課内
〒068-2192 北海道三笠市幸町2番地 TEL 01267-2-3997