Bulletin of the Mikasa City Museum, Natural Science No.2 (March, 1998)
Bulletin of the Mikasa City Museum, Natural Science No.2 (March, 1998)
原著論文(Original article)
白亜紀セノマニアン−チューロニアンの浅海生二枚貝フォーナの変遷 −奔別川セクションの中部蝦夷層群三笠層−:安藤寿男・小玉武史
【Shallow-marine baivalvian faunal change during Cenomanian to Turonian, Late Cretaceous –Ponbetsu River section in the Mikasa Formation, Middle Yezo Group, Hokkaido, Japan: Hisao ANDO and Takeshi KODAMA】. p1-15
First occurences of Canadoceras kossmati Matsumoto (Campanian ammonite) from the Oyubari area, central Hokkaido, Japan: Ryo Saito, Akito MAKINO and Haruyoshi MAEDA
【北海道大夕張地域からのCanadoceras kossmati Matsumoto(カンパニアン階アンモナイト)の初産出:斉藤 良・牧野彰人・前田晴良】. p17-26
【Formic acid preparration of fossil bone in calcareous nodule: Tatsuya TAKAHASHI】. p27-34
【Albian ammonites from Ponbetsu, Hokkaido, Japan: Hiroshi HAYAKAWA】.p35-40
Keeld heteromorph ammonite, Horotateceras tatsuyai gen et sp. nov.: Hiroshi HAYAKAWA
【北海道上部白亜系より産出したキールのある異常巻きアンモナイト:早川浩司】. p41-46
短報(Short note)
北海道惣芦別地域に分布する"Orbitolina 石灰岩"からベレムナイト類の発見:加納 学・佐野晋一
【Discovery of a Belemnite from the "Orbitolina limestone" in the Mt.Kirigishi-yama area, Ashibetsu City, Hokkaido, Japan: Manabu KANO and Shin-ichi SANO】. p47-50
【Heteromorph ammonites from the Albian of Yubari, Hokkaido: Hiroshi HAYAKAWA】p51-54