

Bulletin of the Mikasa City Museum, Natural Science No.11 (March, 2007)
FIELD EXCURSION GUIDEBOOK for the 7th International Symposium, Cephalopods –Present & Past– (第7回国際頭足類学会巡検案内書) 

■Field Trip #1 (September 17, 2007)
Ammonoid faunas and stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Yezo forearc basin, Hokkaido, Japan: Ken'ichi KURIHARA, Fumihisa KAWABE and Hiromichi HIRANO
【北海道白亜系蝦夷層群前弧海盆のアンモナイト群集と層序:栗原憲一・川辺文久・平野弘道】. p1-23

■Field Trip #2 (September 18-21, 2007)
Stratigraphy and megafauna of the Upper Cretaceous Yezo Supergroup in the Teshionakagawa area, northern Hokkaido, Japan: Akinori TAKAHASHI, Yohinori HIKIDA, Robert JENKINS and Kazushige TANABE
【北海道北部天塩中川地域における白亜系蝦夷超層群の層序と大型化石】. p25-59

原著論文(Original article) 

幾春別背斜東翼部の蝦夷層群三笠層〜羽幌川層の堆積相とシーケンス層序 −セノマニアン−コニアシアンの第3〜4オーダー堆積シーケンス:船越郁生・安藤寿男
【Depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy of the Mikasa to Haborogawa formations, Yezo Group, in the eastern limb area of Ikushunbetsu Anticline, Hokkaido, Japan: Cenomanian to Coniacian third- to fourth-order depositional sequences: Ikuo FUNAKOSHI and Hisao ANDO】. p61-80

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