Bulletin of the Mikasa City Museum, No.16 (December, 2012)
Bulletin of the Mikasa City Museum, No.16 (December, 2012)
原著論文(Original articles)
北海道上部白亜系蝦夷層群(サントニアン階)から産出した,北太平洋地域で初産出となるキクザメ目サメ類Echinorhinus属の歯化石について:金子正彦・藤本艶彦・加納 学
【The first record of Bramble shark Echinorhinus sp. in the north Pacific region, from the Upper Cretaceous Kashima Formation (Santonian), Hokkaido, Japan: Masahiko KANEKO, Tsuyahiko FUJIMOTO and Manabu KANO】. p1-8
【The first record of Bramble shark Echinorhinus sp. in the north Pacific region, from the Upper Cretaceous Kashima Formation (Santonian), Hokkaido, Japan: Masahiko KANEKO, Tsuyahiko FUJIMOTO and Manabu KANO】. p1-8
【Modern history of Hokkaido and social situation: Fumiya TAKAHASHI】. p9-19
【Modern history of Hokkaido and social situation: Fumiya TAKAHASHI】. p9-19
【Distribution of burial places in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido, Japan: Fumiya TAKAHASHI】. p21-36
【Distribution of burial places in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido, Japan: Fumiya TAKAHASHI】. p21-36